Config setup
info about config and how to set it up
Edit config: opens the configuration editing page
Configuration fields:
Import config: allows you to upload all completed config fields to a file
Export config: allows you to load fields from a file into the bot
Token contract address: the address of the token contract (you should not have any restrictions againts bundles)
Number of wallets to create: the number of wallets to be created for bundle purchase. It should be a whole number
Percent of tokens to buy: the percent of tokens (of total supply) being bought from each wallet. It should be a decimal number
Gas price multiplier: a multiplier for the transaction gas price. The base gas price is taken from the Ethereum network and multiplied by the specified number. The higher the multiplier, the greater the chances that the transaction will be included in a block, and the higher the fees on the Ethereum network. If gas prices are high at launch, it makes sense to keep the multiplier low; otherwise, you can set a higher multiplier. It should be a decimal number. Recommended range: from 1.05 to 1.5
Gas multiplier: a multiplier for the transaction gas value. The base gas value is calculated based on indirect factors and multiplied by the specified number. This is desirable to ensure that the transaction can be processed by the Ethereum network. However, since this parameter is meant for safety, large values are not required. It should be a decimal number. Recommended range: from 1.05 to 1.25
Initial wallet ETH multiplier: a multiplier for the amount of ETH sent to each created wallet. This is desirable to ensure that the calculated amount of ETH is sufficient to actually purchase the desired amount of tokens. However, since this parameter is needed as a safeguard, large values are not required. It is specified as a decimal number. Recommended range: from 1.025 to 1.2
Funding wallet private key: the private key of the wallet from which the ETH will be distributed. Keys are stored only locally in the config inside the bot and are not transferred anywhere else
Token owner wallet private key: the private key of the wallet from which the contract will be deployed. If distribution and deployment are done from the same wallet, both fields should be filled with the same value. Note that when using different private keys in Funding wallet private key and Token owner wallet private key fields, you need to leave ETH in the equivalent of $50-100 in the Token owner wallet to cover transaction fees
Liquidity pool tokens percent: the percent of tokens (of total supply) that will be sent to the initial liquidity pool. It should be a decimal number
Liquidity pool ETH amount: the amount of ETH that will be sent to the initial liquidity pool. It is specified as a decimal number
Stealth mode: coming soon
Last updated